The University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment has secured$910,000 grant from the USDA to develop and refine drone technology in cattle management.  

This five-year project, titled "Precision Livestock Management: Cattle Monitoring and Herding Using Cooperative Drones," explores how drones can assist in herding, monitoring and collecting physiological data from beef cattle. The project aims to reduce labor demands and enhance operational efficiency for livestock producers. 

“This project is a continuation of our ongoing efforts to integrate technology into livestock management,” said principal investigator and Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) assistant extension professor Josh Jackson. “We’ve previously worked on cattle monitoring using drones, but now our team is exploring how these drones can be used for herding. The idea is to see if we can move cattle with drones in an effective and safe way for the animals.” 

The research will focus on several key objectives. First, the team will develop a multi-agent drone control system that enables drones to work semi-autonomously near cattle. This system will be designed to adjust its operations based on the behavior and movement of the animals, ensuring safe and effective interaction. 

The project will also examine the physiological responses of cattle, particularly how different breeds react to the drones’ presence and movement.  

“We’re interested in how cattle of various breeds respond to the drones,” Jackson said. “For instance, we’ve seen in our previous work that one drone flying 30 feet above ground level doesn’t bother them much, but if you introduce a second drone or change the flight pattern, their response changes. Understanding these reactions is crucial for developing practical applications.” 

Another critical study aspect will be developing methods for estimating cattle weight using drone-captured imagery. By creating 3D models from aerial photographs, Jackson hopes to achieve accurate weight estimates, which could significantly streamline cattle management practices.  

“The potential to estimate cattle weight without ever having to physically handle the animals is exciting,” Jackson said. “If we can get within 5% accuracy using drones, it could revolutionize how farmers monitor the health and growth of their herds.” 

Economic feasibility will also be a major focus. The research team plans to assess the cost-effectiveness of integrating drone technology into various scales of cattle production. This will include on-farm trials to determine the optimal number of drones needed for different herd sizes and the potential return on investment for producers.  

“Farmers want to know if this technology makes sense financially,” Jackson added. “While it might not be cost-effective right now, there’s potential for future advancements to make it more accessible and affordable.” 

The interdisciplinary team includes UK experts from mechanical and aerospace engineering, agricultural economics and veterinary science—ensuring that the project addresses both the technical challenges of drone deployment and cattle producers’ practical needs. 

“An exciting part of working on a team with such a broad range of expertise is you’re constantly learning something new,” said Michael Sama, Gatton Foundation Distinguished Professor and director of Graduate Studies who is a collaborator on the project. “We’ve come a long way in just a few years researching drone use for livestock management and are looking forward to where this project leads us.” 

 The research also aims to eventually produce a set of guidelines and tools that livestock producers across the country can adopt.  

“The outcomes could pave the way for more widespread use of drones in agriculture,” Jackson said. “This would offer a new approach to livestock management that saves time, reduces labor and potentially improves animal welfare.” 

The BAE program at UK is a partnership between the UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the UK Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering. For more information on the department, visit

This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2024-69014-42393. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

Source: University of Kentucky