RIIS LLC is a premier development company specializing in custom software and hardware for multiple drone platforms, addressing high-level challenges with cutting-edge technology. We excel in creating mobile drone applications, enhancing existing apps with functionalities like Livestreaming, LAANC, and Machine Learning, or integrating additional drone platforms. We work with DJI, Autel as well as PX4 and Ardupilot SDKs for those looking to migrate. Headquartered in Troy, MI, RIIS LLC provides solutions to clients across industries such as automotive, energy, entertainment, financial, healthcare, insurance, and telecom. Our team of seasoned professionals and rising stars is dedicated to maximizing the potential of emerging technologies. Our primary service areas include Mobile Apps, Custom Drone Software and Hardware, Artificial Intelligence, Custom Software Development, Application Development, Internet of Things, Agile Development, IT Staff Augmentation, and Mobile Security. Whether embedding with your staff, providing a complete team, or offering training and coaching, RIIS LLC is at the forefront of drone technological innovation.