2021 Edition: 5 THINGS TO KNOW About How Drones are Being Used in Construction Across Europe

Talk about the potential drones have to make any given task faster, cheaper or safer is pervasive. Construction companies across Europe, both large and small, are presently experiencing many of these efficiencies. Additionally, a host of newer technologies should allow this positive trend to continue well into the future.

This report looks at several concrete ways construction businesses have become safer and faster by using drones as well some of the more forward-thinking technologies the industry could be adopting in the era of COVID-19 and in the future.

Among the trends it discusses are:

  • Constructing a coastal defense system
  • BVLOS construction projects
  • VR used for construction reports
  • How drones will function in automated construction environments

Fill out the short form below to download the full report to see how far the construction industry has come by using drones, and where it might go in the future. 

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