Commercial UAV Expo boasts many drone manufacturers among its exhibitors, many designed to meet specific use cases or needs. But on the other side of that spectrum are the companies that are striving to design something that can be customizable and configurable, and that’s the niche that Aurelia Aerospace is filling in the manufacturing space. Rather than focusing exclusively on a potential type of user, Aurelia encourages their potential customers to come to them with their problems and requirements to see if they can build a platform to suit their needs. 

The company offers configurable frames with payload capacities ranging from 1.5kg (3.3lb) in the agile X4 Standard Platform to 11kg (24 lbs) in the X8 Max, with various sizes in between. But in addition to these configurable platforms, there are options for flight controllers, sensors and more. By strategically designing the platforms to have somewhat interchangeable parts, they are also helping to ensure the longevity of their platforms. With transparent sourcing on their components, as well as offering NDAA Compliant and Blue UAS options for controllers and other components, they are able to meet the needs of a wide variety of potential clientele. 

Moreover, Aurelia Aerospace's commitment to a North American supply chain adds another layer of value for their customers. By sourcing components domestically, the company enhances supply chain reliability and reduces lead times, which is critical in an industry where time-sensitive operations are common. This approach also ensures compliance with U.S. regulations and standards, providing added assurance to clients in government and defense sectors. The combination of a modular design with a robust, U.S.-based supply chain allows Aurelia Aerospace to provide adaptable, reliable, and compliant drone solutions for a broad range of applications.