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As Vice President of Communications for Velodyne Lidar, Sally Frykman is responsible for overseeing public relations and managing marketing and communications efforts. She is also responsible for outreach and education with the goal of creating a deeper public understanding of autonomous technology and of Velodyne’s lidar solutions. She is actively engaged in local and federal policy efforts to advance autonomous technology for increased safety on the roadways, including leading Velodyne’s partnership with Mothers Against Drunk Driving and as a liaison for government and industry affairs. Sally is passionate about making the world a safer, more inclusive, and universally accessible place for all. She joined the Velodyne team because she strongly believes in the company’s vision of advancing roadway safety, saving lives, and the myriad benefits realized due to the innovation of lidar technology. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master’s Degree from San Francisco State.
September 2-4, 2025 • Las Vegas
February 16-18, 2026 • Denver
Spring 2026 • Amsterdam