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CEO at Murzilli Consulting
Lorenzo is a graduated aerospace engineer, innovation manager and specialist in aviation, system safety and drones. Lorenzo is the Founder & CEO of Murzilli Consulting, a digital consulting agency focused on aviation. Leader of the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems WG-6, he oversees the work of more than 100 professionals in several task forces developing recommendations for safety and risk management of drones operations worldwide. Guest lecturer at the Zürich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the Xihua University, previously with Leonardo, Pilatus Aircraft and the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation, Lorenzo has developed a striking ability to boost innovation in safety-critical environments and enjoys exploring the intersection of safety and disruptive technologies that can advance the human race forward.
September 2-4, 2025 • Las Vegas
February 10-12, 2025 • Denver
Spring 2026 • Amsterdam